Automating OpenTofu GitHub Actions with Workflow Dispatch

Malcolm Matalka

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Automating OpenTofu GitHub Actions with Workflow Dispatch
As the infrastructure at any given company begins to scale, the complexity that goes along with it grows in a similar parity to where many of the processes and jobs that underpin the platform begin to struggle under the weight of the growing load.
Without a way to address this, the potential for service outages due to lack of durability in processes and functions can impact growth and user experience. Implementing this durability is a lot harder in practice than in theory however, and often requires a large amount of infrastructural black magic to ensure multi-tenancy and scalability. In this post we’re going to present a use case using OpenTofu, GitHub Actions, and workflow-dispatch
Why We Chose GitHub Actions and Workflow Dispatch
When used efficiently, GitHub Actions can be a powerful resource for automating the orchestration and provisioning of applications on the fly in a declarative fashion using GitOps. As organizations change over time, the need for dynamic provisioning while also maintaining declarative infrastructure also increases.
With GitHub Actions, you can set the parameters of your infrastructure in set a way that you know you will get a repeatable provision each time you trigger the action and it succeeds. This is where the benefit of triggers such as workflow-dispatch
come into play.
There’s often a misconception that GitHub Actions can only be triggered by things like a PR or a new commit to a repo, which doesn’t fit many use cases such as cloud self-service. With workflow-dispatch
you can dynamically trigger a GitHub Action via the GitHub REST API. For example, let’s say we wanted to set up a self-service process for Kimchi, a new hosted durable functions platform we want to build using Inngest. With a workflow-dispatch
trigger and OpenTofu, this is totally possible.
Creating a Workflow Dispatch Trigger
To see this in practice, we’re going to create a GitHub Action using workflow-dispatch
and OpenTofu to provision Inngest for durable long-living functions. To get started, we’re going to want to create a .github/workflows/
To get started, we’re going to want to create a inngest-deploy.yaml
file in a .github/workflows
directory on our kimchi-infra
In this repo, we’re going to have a directory structure something like this:
├── .github│ └── workflows│ └── inngest-deploy.yaml├── .opentofu├──├──└──
In our inngest-deploy.yaml
file, we’re going to want to define a few things:
- The name of the workflow
- The trigger for the workflow (in this case,
) - The inputs for the workflow (in this case,
) - The jobs for the workflow (in this case,
) - The steps for the job (in this case,
Create OpenTofu Files
Before we dive into creating our inngest-deploy.yaml
file, we’re going to want to create our OpenTofu configurations. In this case, we’re going to want to create a
file in a hypothetical .opentofu
directory. In this directory, we’re going to want to define a few things:
- The provider for our infrastructure (in this case, AWS)
- The resources we want to provision (in this case, an Inngest function)
- The variables we want to use in our infrastructure (in this case,
Here’s an example implementation of how the
could look:
# Example OpenTofu configuration to provision an EC2 instance on AWS
provider "aws" { region = "us-east-1" # Replace with your desired region}
resource "aws_instance" "inngest_instance" { ami = "ami-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # Replace with a valid AMI for your environment instance_type = "t2.micro" # Choose your desired instance type
tags = { Name = "InngestInstance" }
user_data = <<-EOF #!/bin/bash # Install and start Inngest curl -fsSL -o /tmp/inngest.tar.gz tar -xzvf /tmp/inngest.tar.gz -C /tmp /tmp/inngest start # Or use any other commands for setting up Inngest EOF}
output "instance_ip" { value = aws_instance.inngest_instance.public_ip}
Setting up the Action
Now that we have our OpenTofu configs, we’re going to want to create our inngest-deploy.yaml
file. This file will be responsible for defining the workflow that will be triggered when we call the GitHub REST API.
name: Provision Inngest with OpenTofu
on: workflow_dispatch: # Trigger manually from GitHub UI
jobs: setup: runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Run on a GitHub-hosted runner
steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up OpenTofu run: | curl -sSL -o /tmp/tofu.tar.gz tar -xzf /tmp/tofu.tar.gz -C /tmp mv /tmp/tofu /usr/local/bin/tofu chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tofu tofu --version # Verify the installation
- name: Set up AWS credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4 with: aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} aws-region: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}
- name: Initialize OpenTofu configuration run: | # Initialize OpenTofu configuration tofu init -input=true
- name: Apply OpenTofu configuration to provision Inngest run: | # Run OpenTofu to apply configuration and provision resources tofu apply -auto-approve
- name: Verify Inngest deployment run: | # Add steps here to verify that Inngest has been provisioned # This might include checking the EC2 instance status, verifying logs, etc. curl -s http://<YOUR_INNGEST_INSTANCE_IP>:<PORT>/status # Replace with actual IP/Port to verify Inngest
Triggering the GitHub Action
Now that we’ve set up the framework for action, we’ll want to run a git push
so we can trigger it via the REST API. GitHub provides a few options for triggering Actions via workflow-dispatch
through the REST API such as JavaScript or cURL.
Option 1. JavaScript via Octokit
We can create a workflow-dispatch
event via JavaScript using Octokit by initializing the client and providing the request
with the POST method of your repo’s dispatches
// octokit = new Octokit({ auth: 'YOUR-TOKEN'})
await octokit.request('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}/dispatches', { owner: 'OWNER', repo: 'REPO', workflow_id: 'WORKFLOW_ID', ref: 'topic-branch', inputs: { name: 'Mona the Octocat', home: 'San Francisco, CA' }, headers: { 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' }})
Option 2. cURL requests
Alternatively, you can make generic cURL requests to
and provide your bearer auth token to trigger dispatches the same way as above. This would also work with fetch
assuming you don’t want to use Octokit.
To find the WORKFLOW_ID, navigate to the Actions tab in your repo and find the number on the end of the /runs/ path. Alternatively, you can pass the workflow file name.
The use case of multi-tenant automated deployments is an often nebulous and complex infrastructural challenge that many startups and even large enterprises face as they adopt new methods of deployment and self-service. One of the benefits of OpenTofu over the commercialized Terraform is that you can deploy without relying on services like the HCP and by taking advantage of open-source forks of Terraform that are community-led in their development.
When OpenTofu and GitHub Actions workflow_dispatch
isn’t enough, you can use services like Terrateam to handle infrastructure orchestration and deployments using GitHub Actions with familiar workflows.