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OpenTofu or Terraform plans may contain sensitive information. In order to give users control over their security, Terrateam supports defining where plans are stored. Plans must be stored between a plan operation and an apply operation to ensure that the change that is reviewed is what is applied. By default, plans are stored on the Terrateam backend. Terrateam supports two other methods of storing plans:

1. Any S3-compatible storage (AWS S3, Google GCS, Minio, etc.)

2. Custom commands. User defines what commands should be run for store, fetch, and delete steps.


plan storage is configured in the .terrateam/config.yml file under the storage key. Here’s the default configuration:

method: terrateam

Storage methods

The method key specifies how to store plans. Valid options are:

  • terrateam: Store plans on the Terrateam backend (default).
  • s3: Store plans in an S3-compatible storage.
  • cmd: Use custom commands to store, fetch, and delete plans.

S3 storage

To store plans in an S3-compatible storage, use the following configuration:

bucketStringSpecify the bucket to store plans. Can reference environment variables. Required.
regionStringSpecify the region in which the bucket exists. Can be an environment variable, for example: $PLAN_STORE_REGION. Required.
pathStringThe path to store the plan in. Default is terrateam/plans/$dir/$workspace/$date-$time-$token. See template variables for details on available variables.
access_key_idStringAccess key ID. Can reference environment variables. Optional.
secret_access_keyStringSecret access key. Can reference environment variables. Optional.
delete_used_plansBooleanDelete plan after use. Default is true.
store_extra_argsListExtra args to use with aws s3 cp when storing a plan file. Optional.
fetch_extra_argsListExtra args to use with aws s3 cp when fetching a plan file. Optional.
delete_extra_argsListExtra args to use with aws s3 rm when deleting a plan file. Optional.

Example s3 configuration:

method: s3
bucket: plan-bucket
region: us-east-1

Custom command storage

To use custom commands for storing, fetching, and deleting plans, use the following configuration:

deleteString listCommand to run in order to delete the plan after use. Can reference environment variables and template variables. Optional.
fetchString listCommand to run to fetch the plan. Can reference environment variables and template variables. Required.
storeString listCommand to run to store the plan. Can reference environment variables and template variables. Required.

Example cmd configuration:

method: cmd
delete: ['aws', 's3', 'rm', 's3://$PLAN_BUCKET/terrateam/plans/$dir/$workspace/$date-$time-$token']
fetch: ['aws', 's3', 'cp', 's3://$PLAN_BUCKET/terrateam/plans/$dir/$workspace/$date-$time-$token', '$plan_dst_path']
store: ['aws', 's3', 'cp', '$plan_path', 's3://$PLAN_BUCKET/terrateam/plans/$dir/$workspace/$date-$time-$token']

Template variables

In all parameters, environment variables can be referenced. Additionally, several variables are available that are specific to the run. These variables are stored between the plan and apply operation. For example, if the plan was performed on 2023-10-20 and the apply is performed on 2023-10-25, the $date variable will be 2023-10-20 when the apply is executed. This way, the variables can be used to construct the path where the plan is stored, and it is the same in the plan and apply.

dateThe date when the plan was performed, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
dirThe directory being processed, for example: foo/bar/baz.
plan_pathThe path on disk where the plan is stored.
plan_dst_pathWhen fetching a plan, the location on disk where the plan should be put.
timeThe time when the plan was performed, in the format HHMMSS.
tokenThe token of the work manifest, unique to every run.
workspaceThe workspace being processed, for example: default.

Note on environment variables

The value of template variables is retained between a plan operation and an apply operation. However, environment variables are not. If an environment variable is referenced between a plan and apply, ensure that it does not change between runs. For example, do not reference the following environment variable because it will be different in the apply. This is because the date program outputs the date and time of when it was run:

- type: env
cmd: ['date']


Storing plans in AWS S3

method: s3
bucket: my-plan-bucket
region: us-west-2
access_key_id: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
secret_access_key: $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

This configuration stores plans in an AWS S3 bucket named my-plan-bucket in the us-west-2 region. The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables are used for authentication.

Using custom commands for plan storage

method: cmd
store: ['gsutil', 'cp', '$plan_path', 'gs://my-plan-bucket/terrateam/plans/$dir/$workspace/$date-$time-$token']
fetch: ['gsutil', 'cp', 'gs://my-plan-bucket/terrateam/plans/$dir/$workspace/$date-$time-$token', '$plan_dst_path']
delete: ['gsutil', 'rm', 'gs://my-plan-bucket/terrateam/plans/$dir/$workspace/$date-$time-$token']

This configuration uses custom commands to store, fetch, and delete plans using Google Cloud Storage. The gsutil command-line tool is used to interact with the storage bucket.

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